It took another three centuries before the next Malayalam translation was made in 1863 by Perunazhi Krishna Vaidhyan. However, again, this unpublished manuscript remained obscure until it was first reported by the Annual Report of the Cochin Archeological Department for the year 1933–34. It was a prose rendering of the entire Kural, written closely to the spoken Malayalam of that time. The first translation of the Kural text appeared in Malayalam in 1595 CE under the title Tirukkural Bhasha by an unknown author. The Kural text, considered to have been written in the 1st century BCE, remained unknown to the outside world for close to one and a half millennia. Authored by the ancient Tamil poet-philosopher Thiruvalluvar, it has been translated into at least 42 world languages, with about 57 different renderings in the English language alone.īeginning of translations Beschi, the earliest known translator of the Kural text Tamil Wisdom, by Edward Jewitt Robinson, 1873 Tirukkural, also known as the Kural, an ancient Indian treatise on the ethics and morality of the commoner, is one of the most widely translated non-religious works in the world. It has been suggested that List of Tirukkural translations by language be merged into this article.